Wednesday, July 3, 2013

OHP: 4th of July Style!

Since we moved to Florida 3 years ago, it has somehow become a tradition to spend most holidays at MP's parents' house. 

His entire extended family in the area joins in on the festivities.

There are usually 11+ dogs and about 10-15 people.

This creates quite the zoo at times.

But it is so much fun.

These holiday gatherings have come to my favorite of the year, and I wouldn't want to spend these special days any other way.

This year the 4th is going to be even more special, because I have been put in charge of deserts!

And we all know where Ms Paws turned first for ideas....

Good ole Pinterest.

And since today is Wednesday, and tomorrow is the 4th, what better way to share my findings with you all than a quick lil Oh How Pinteresting??

I'm so excited to join Michelle in this link up, she's one of my favorite bloggers, I have been following her since before she was married and now she has the most adorable little baby boy.  Baby A is quite the cutie! You should definitely stop by her blog and check out her adorable family! She also  recently got a promotion towards her dream job, so wish her congratulations too while you're at it! :)

PS: This post was so frustrating to put together. I've got it now, but the new way to embed pins is really just plain annoying, especially compared to how easy it was before.

PPS: Does anyone else rarely take the time to change the description on the pin? *Raises hand* So please don't judge the captions. They're not mine. I just liked the pretty pictures. :)

And that's all folks! Head on over to Michelle's page to link up, and I hope yall have a wonderful day tomorrow! Happy 4th!

 photo llpsig_zps2678775d.jpg

1 comment:

  1. I loooove the star design on that tart. I also absolutely love making (and eating) that strawberry pretzel dessert in the bottom right of your first pin. I have a recipe on my blog today if you need one.


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