Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I have mentioned a few times that I have the privilege of working from home.

And yes, it is a privilege.

I love not having to drive to work everyday. Not putting miles on my car every day is wonderful for my wallet as well when it comes to maintenance.

Overall, I feel very very blessed to have found this wonderful company a little over a year ago.

It is a wonderful opportunity to earn money while I also earn my degree. I also know that finding a position in the company in my degree field is a very good possibility after graduation.

I work for a large home shopping network taking sales calls. For the first year I worked with them I worked anywhere from 9PM-3AM 5 days a week. I had afternoon classes when I took the position, so it worked out perfectly to start so late.

It also has worked out well when family has come to visit and a few other special occasions.

But what hasn't benefited, is my health.

I have gained about 40lbs, my IBS and diet issues are worse than ever. I am smoking cigarettes again...

It is a scientific fact that no matter what type of schedule you think you have set your body up for, your metabolism does not function correctly at night.

And this is so true for me. My body doesn't handle food well after midnight, I usually will end up sick in the mornings. I also at night have a really hard time realizing when I'm full. And when I'm tired? Food is my go-to to keep me energized and awake.


I was also recently accepted into the Bachelor of Science program at my college, and I'm so excited to have a final goal and a finish line in sight.

I want my health to be better when I start school at the end of august, and I know studying will be easier if I have more energy and feel better.

I had myself on a very screwy sleep schedule last semester, but it was a schedule and it worked.

And you know that wonderful company I mentioned earlier?

Well they have allowed me to change my schedule!

My new work window will be 6PM-12AM, 5 days a week!

No more zombie Ms. P!

This also means that I will be working the same hours as MP.

I cannot wait to rejoin the living.

This also means that I am going to be back on a normal schedule, and I cannot wait to see how my workouts and also my school work improves!

I am hoping to also fit in a lot more blogging. I don't know if you all have noticed but I have been trying to post every week on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's. I would like to post more and hopefully will as time allows!

Thanks again for following along y'all! I cannot wait to share this new journey with you!

Happy hump day! :)



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