Friday, May 3, 2013

Why I don't talk about my relationship {or} Day 3, Blog Every Day in May

Linking up for Day 3 of Blog Every Day in May with Jenni at Story of My Life!

Day 3, Friday: Things that make you uncomfortable.
This was a hard one for me, I really want to only stay positive on this blog, but I also want to be honest with my readers but mostly myself.
Something that makes me really uncomfortable? When people ask me about my relationship. I don't mean the simple questions... I mean the down and dirty questions.
I made it a rule for myself a while ago that I wouldn't discuss the details of my relationship with ANYONE. This includes close girl friends and family.

Well, this is where I get honest... MP and I haven't had the easiest relationship ever, it has been far from a fairytale romance. We are both stubborn as mules, we have quite the temper when you put us together, and we tend to get strung out on the little details.
When things got rough at the beginning, before we knew what "hard times" really meant, I made the mistake of turning to my friends and family and complaining to them about disagreements or circumstances we were in... And because of this? This has made MOST people in my life not the biggest fans of MP, and I take full responsibility for that. Granted he hasn't been perfect but I also did not paint him in the best light when I was upset or angry.
You live and learn, right?
So, now, I don't discuss anything with anyone. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable when the subject of our relationship even comes up.

We have an argument? It stays between us. Something big goes down or we have a big decision to make? It stays completely between us. People tend to remember the negative stories a lot more vividly than they do the positive ones, and this has made my relationship with MP difficult to make and keep public. Another big reason for the new blog start.
While this is hard some (a lot) of the time, I make it work and I really think it is for the best.
What about you? Does sharing details about your personal life or relationship make you uncomfortable?
Link up with at Story of My Life for the Blog Every Day in May challenge and let us know what makes you uncomfortable!

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  1. That's a great rule, especially since it makes you feel uncomfortable to have to talk about it. If you are happy keeping it to yourself, than it's yours to do with as you please!! I am such a talker and sharer that that just wouldn't work for me. Luckily most of our issues have a comical aspect to them to, so it's not too tough. :)

  2. I do the same. I learned that lesson from a previous relationship and it did affect how some friends viewed him. My husband and I do not discuss big fights or issues with our friends or family. It works for us.

  3. I can't see anything wrong with keeping your relationship personal. Its up to you whether you want certain aspects of your relationship known and if its working for you then I say well done.



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